Unique Potential of Children
There is a saying, child is the father of man. Every child has tremendous
potential. All that we need to do, is just spark it so as to ignite their minds.
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, our former President of India, always had the view, children
have tremendous potential. What we need is to motivate and channelise their
potential by recognizing and utilizing their latent talent.
Children have a
powerhouse of potential. The recent exercise of making the children write on a
topic has brought forth many surprising discoveries. We, as teachers or parents,
should never underestimate the innate talent of these youths. They are the
future citizens of the world and on their shoulders, will rest the burden of our
future. Therefore, we as teachers should vow to nurture and utilize their
expertise and recognize their real worth. It is my personal take that we should
never write off any child. Even a seemingly dumb-looking child, can surprise us
with his or her potential! So let it be our mission to nurture to seek the best
in them to release their unique potential.
WhatsApp# +919981411674
Department of English,
Rajkumar College,
Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
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